Tips for completing your goals
You've taken great steps to define your goals and even creating concrete plans to meet them with Pacemaker and other tools. Now what? We know that even with pretty graphs to motivate you, doing the work is hard. Here are some tips to improve your ability to hit your incremental goals and finish on time.
- Celebrate each progress update - no matter how small, celebrate taking one more step towards your goal. This is one of the reasons we shower you with confetti when you update progress in Pacemaker.
- Aim first to get 1/3 of the way - This might seem like a strange tip but after a decade of observing how Pacemaker users work, we've noticed that if a user completes 1/3 of their original goal, they are already more likely to complete the entire goal than to abandon it. This means that if you're aiming to write 10,000 words, try plotting a path to 3,333 words first. If you can do this, you're already more than likely to meet your 10K goal.
- Investigate your day of week work patterns - Are there specific days of the week that you miss logging progress? Are you more likely to log progress on weekdays vs weekend? Use this to adjust your workload going forward and lean into the days you have more energy. If you are a premium user, you can use the Pacemaker Stats feature to help you understand your work patterns.
- Get an accountability partner - Share your Pacemaker plan with a friend and ask them to hold you accountable by cheering you on and asking you about your goal.
- The Carrot and the Stick - Sometimes you need a kick in the pants with a stronger level of accountability. Try the Pacemaker No Excuses Mode for extra motivation to meet your daily targets on time.
Be sure to contact us if you have other suggestions that we can incorporate!