Account Deletion

We're sorry to see that you're considering leaving Pacemaker, but we understand that sometimes you need to make changes. In other cases, you've simply completed the goals you set out to do and you're moving on to other things. Congratulations!

Whatever your reason, here's how you can delete your account with us:

  1. Log In: Please start by logging into your account.
  2. Navigate to Settings: Go to your account settings.
  3. Account Deletion: You should see a button that allows you to start the deletion process. Take a moment to read any information about what your account deletion entails, including data retention and other important details. For example, you will not be able to delete your account if you have an active premium subscription. You'll need to cancel this first before deleting your account.
  4. Follow up: You may receive one final message from Pacemaker confirming account deletion and/or asking for feedback on the Pacemaker experience.

If you encounter any difficulties or have questions, our customer support team is here to assist you. Thank you for having been a part of our community, and remember, you're always welcome back.

Note that in order to prevent you from keeping your data with us longer than you had planned, your account will be automatically closed after 4 months of inactivity. At the three month mark, we will remind you to re-activate your goals. If we don't hear back from you, we will close your account.

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