Joining a Challenge
If you'd like to join one of Pacemaker's official challenges, head over to the challenge list page here.
If your friend or group leader has invited you to a challenge, welcome to Pacemaker Challenges! You will need to create a free Pacemaker account. Once you've logged in, go to the challenge page using the url your friend provided and then click on the "Join Challenge" button. You'll need to create a public plan that matches the rules that the challenge leader has set. For example, if all plans need to be measured in 'words', you'll need to create a plan with a word count goal. The dates of your plan need to overlap with the start and end dates of the challenge as well.
You'll be able to see everyone's progress on the challenge, cheer each other on and get rewarding 3-day. 7-day and 14-day streak badges.
Good luck with your group goal!